

How can I help you?

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Do you need a badge or badge update?

Please complete the requirements below to apply for a new or updated badge


ID Badge Request Form

Please fill the information below accordingly

New Badge Request
Update Current Badge
Department Contracted By (If you are unsure, ask your management/HR department. An incorrect entry will cause your application to be delayed or rejected)
Your Company Name
Your Company Name (Others)
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Driver's License Number (Government ID) or Passport number
Driver's License Issued State
B-1 Visa/ESTA (Foreign visitors only)
Email Address
Phone : (123) 456-7890
Hire Date
Street Address
Date of Birth
Hair Color
Eye Color

Emergency Contact Information

In the case of an emergency, notify:
Emergency contact phone : (123) 456-7890
If unable to contact by phone, their place of employment

Upload files

Please upload required documents below

Step 1
Upload Drug Screen Document

Must provide a 10-Panel screening from a qualified service medical provider that was performed within;

Contractor : 30 days
Supplier : 6 months

Click to Upload Document
(Uses filename with english)

There is no file uploaded yet
Step 2
Company Approval Document

Document authorizing your badge request and signed by your company’s HR department

Click to Upload Document
(Uses filename with english)

There is no file uploaded yet

Safety Video

Please choose your preferred language and watch the safety video

English Version
Español Versión
한국어 버전
Play Safety Video

Please finish watching the video for a next step!

( Next button will be automatically popping out when the video is finished playing )

Safety Compliance Commitment

  1. I have reviewed HMMA's safety policies through video orientation.
  2. I understand that I must comply with and faithfully implement all of HMMA’s safety policies including, but not limited to, the following:
    1. Crane/Hoist, Man Lifts and Mobile Equipment;
    2. Lock-Out Tag-Out Safety;
    3. Electrical Work Safety;
    4. Safety of Enclosed Space Work (Confined Space);
    5. Fall Protection and Safety;
    6. Fire/Hot Work Safety;
    7. Personal Protection Equipment;
    8. No Permitting Mobile Phone Use While Walking;
    9. Environmental Rules and Expectations; and
    10. All other rules outlined during the orientation or posted at HMMA
  3. I will not divulge, leak or provide HMMA's trade secrets (projects, facilities, etc.) acquired while providing work to my company within the HMMA site and after the termination of the contract with my company.
  4. If I violate the contents and safety policies of this pledge, I will be restricted from entering HMMA.

I hereby pledge to comply with HMMA's safety regulations and security protocols while providing work to my company at Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Alabama, LLC (hereinafter HMMA). Furthermore, I affirm the following:

Your Name

Finish & Submit

Please make sure all information is correct.

As part of our badge request process, Hyundai Motors Manufacturing Alabama, LLC (“HMMA”) will be requesting certain personal information from you, including, but not limited to, your address, telephone number, and email address. HMMA is requesting this personal information for the sole purpose of issuing you a badge and will not use the personal information for any other purpose. Your personal information will not be disseminated, shared, sold, or otherwise transmitted to any third party, and access to your personal information will be strictly limited to those with a need to know at HMMA. HMMA will take all measures to safeguard and protect the privacy of your personal information and will comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations related to the privacy of such information.

Finish & Submit Processing